"I'm not special!" "I'm not pretty!" "You don't love me!" Lies. Lies. Lies!
The past few months my 6 year old has been the victim of many lies whispered in her mind by Satan! Satan you say???? Yep! What does Genesis tell us about the master of lies? "Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field that the Lord God had made."
We were shopping for shoes for Jordan for church. Once we found a pair, and went to purchase them Sheridan says "I'm not special because I'm not getting new shoes." This was the first of many similar statements we were to hear for the next few months. If Jordan is dressing up and singing, Sheridan says "I'm not pretty." If we are playing a game of memory and Jordan is winning Sheridan says "I'm not special!" If I hug and kiss Jordan Sheridan says "You don't love me." Michael and I have wrestled with this issue with Sheridan for months! We have discussed it, prayed about it and talked about it with close Christian friends. How much is her true feelings and how much is manipulation? She genuinely seems distressed over these statements! My heart was sad for her!
God is so good because once I had prayed about it for a while, He gave me a way to deal with it!! I realized that Sheridan is believing the lies of Satan just as Eve did so long ago in the garden! He is whispering these thoughts in her mind and then these thoughts produce his desired effect in the form of anger. So, what to do?
First, I discussed this with Sheridan. We talked about Eve and the lies of Satan. We talked about how Satan uses the same tactics with all of us! Lies are his number one technique and we so easily believe them! They can be subtle too, a fleeting thought or feeling.
Once we had discussed it, we pointed out to Sheridan that this was what Satan was doing to her. We armed her with verses that describe her worth and "specialness" to God. We continue to affirm her worth to us, and we point out to her what Satan is doing in the moments it is happening. Sometimes, she is able to see what is happening and "fight" off the lies. Other times she falls prey to the whispers of the evil one.
It isn't perfect, but it is teaching Sheridan that the way to fight off Satan is using God's word and truths. What a valuable lesson!
Today, Jordan had dressed up as a princess and was floating around singing. Sheridan says to me "mommy, Satan was lying to me and saying that I wasn't pretty cause Jordan looks so pretty. But, I told him to flee and said to myself "God loves me" and "I am special"!!! What progress!! A 6 year old is more aware of the tactics of Satan than some adults! Thank you Lord!
So, what lies is Satan whispering to you?
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